Tuesday 2 May 2017

MEST1 Section B: Independent Case Study

Case Study Research: '71

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1) What is the name of the film, the director and notable stars?

The case study I have chosen to study is '71 which  was directed by Yann Demange. The main stars include Jack O'Connell, Sean Harris, Sam Reid and Paul Anderson. 

2) When was it released?
'71 was releases in 2014 in the UK.

3) What genre is the film? What are the generic conventions that tell you the film belongs to this genre?

This films genre is drama and thriller. The main generic conventions is the narrative itself of a lost solider trying to find his way back to his base. The thriller aspect being part of the main narrative is the chase from an Irish group of boys and the IRA to find a missing  British solider. This fits into a thriller, drama due to the element of  the whole film being a chasing making it much more tense and thrilling to watch.

 4) What was the critical reception? What is the film rated on IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes?

Overall '71 has a rating of 7.2 on IMDB and 98% on Rotten Tomatoes. This


1) Write a close-textual analysis of the trailer using the MIGRAIN key concepts of Media Studies.

This trailer presents some key conventions of a typical trailer. In terms of media form we see the typical fast paced editing.

2) Find examples of television promotion on YouTube (adverts, chat shows, ‘red carpet’ interviews etc.) and post them to your blog along with an explanation of how these promote the film.


3) Does the broadcast promotion use stars to create interest in the film?

The broadcast promotion not only gives actors a platform but also helps make the film interesting. Through each interview with the actors, director and producers, we as an audience, get an insight on their own opinions on the narrative, the message and the overall outcome of the film.


1) Read reviews of the film and provide a quote from each one.

2) Find examples of print promotion (e.g. film poster, billboard adverts etc.) on Google images and post them to your blog along with an explanation of how these promote the film.

Image result for 71 film poster

This film poster promotes '71 through its protagonist being the main characters in the poster with

Image result for 71 film

Related image

3) Choose ONE print advert and write a textual analysis of what it communicates to the audience.

4) How is the film’s brand constructed? What does the brand connote? Does it remind you of any other brands or similar films?

The film brand is constructed through


1) Research the film’s presence on social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. How does the film’s social media presence help promote the film?

2) Analyse the official website for the film. How does it use the film’s brand? What examples of synergy can you find with the other platforms?
This film's official website continues with the theme of one of he posters with option to watch the trailer, the story (narrative), cast/crew and photos. The clear synergy gives the audience visual pleasure as well as  3) Did the film run any kind of e-media based campaign to generate interest in the film?

4) Can you find any examples of the two-step flow theory online – did celebrities or journalists tweet or post about the film in order to promote it to their followers?


1) Who is the target audience for this film? Demographics and psychographics.

2) How does the cross-media promotional campaign target this audience?

3) What audience pleasures does the film provide? Think about the BFI lecture on audience pleasures in British film.

4) What similar films would the target audience enjoy? Justify your suggestions.


1) Which film studio produced the film? What other films have they produced? Do they have a track record with this kind of film and this target audience?

2) Which company distributed the film in the UK? What other films have they distributed? 

3) Do they have a track record with this kind of film and this target audience?

4) What was the budget for the film?
The budget for this film was £8.1 million

5) How successful was the film financially? Why do you think this was?

6) Was this film more successful in the UK or worldwide/USA? Why do you think this is?
This film was mostly successful in the

7) What certificate was the film given (12A, 18 etc.)? What was the reason for this certificate? Is the certification important for this film in terms of targeting its audience? Why?
'71 was given a certificate rating of 15 due to the bad language and the violence. The certificate is important for this film in terms of target audience because it allows the 

1) What representations of people, places or groups can be found in this film?
In this film the main representation portrayed is the one of men. This film emphasises the stereotypical representation of men and how they deal with life threatening situations.

2) What representation of ‘Britishness’ does the film contain?

 The main element of Britishness is the fact that the main protagonist is British. In addition to this, the British were part of civil war in Ireland itself therefore, with its history
3) How does the representation of Britain differ to Ill Manors? 
It could be argued both yes and no. In Ill Manors the representation of young British boys is more portrayed out of choice whereas in '71 Gary is made vulnerable from his lac of knowledge. However, with that being said, it could be argued that they are similar and both portray the vulnerability of young boys trying to survive their situation.
4) What values and ideologies can you find in your chosen film? (E.g. The King’s Speech is extremely patriotic, pro-monarchy etc.)
In '71 the main ideologies that are clearly shown are 

Case study Comparison

1) What similarities and differences can you find between Ill Manors, A Field In England and your chosen case study film? List all that apply.


  • Concept of violence (gang violence, civil war etc)
  •  Target Audience
  •  Male protagonists
  • Struggles in situation (life and death
  • All set in different time periods (modern and civil war)
  • Different demographics/ psycographics.
  •  Black and white vs colour          

